- Ignition (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
- ’49 Mercury Blues (Calgary, Canada)
- This Cat’s On A Hot Tin Roof (Edmonton, Canada)
- Drive Like Lightning (Crash Like Thunder) (Adelaide, Australia)
- 8-Track (Bordeaux, France)
- Slow Down / Folsom Prison Blues (Austin, Texas, USA)
- Put Your Cat Clothes On (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- Blue Moon of Kentucky (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Pickpocket (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Rumble in Brighton (Tokyo, Japan)
- Runaway Boys (Portland, Oregon, USA)
- Cry Baby (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Great Balls Of Fire (Sydney, Australia)
- Red Hot (Amsterdam, Holland)
- Seven Nights to Rock (Wichita, Kansas, USA)